AutoCera U
A compact design top-down DLP printer for the most complex material developments and prints. Print with as little as 1litre ink and as high resolution as 35 microns.
In our range of 3D printers dedicated for ceramics and metal slurries, the Autocera-U is designed to meet the industrial challenges of large-scale production of heavy and highly-loaded slurries. Our top-down printers enable printing of denser material to avoid falling off the print bed, hence the process is less prone to failures. The technology offers a compact design for top-down DLP ceramic 3D printing, supporting high volume solid loading, meaning it can handle highly viscous materials of up to 20000 cps and can start printing with as little as 1L slurry. Its large area paired with DLP technology offers high print speed. Material development add-on, and advanced exposure option make this printer a strong tool for developing a wide range of new materials. AM-COE has designed and manufactured commercial DLP ceramic and metal printers in different sizes. Our price strategy and open-system technology are set to make our printers available to the mainstream manufacturing, as well as the universities and research centres.
Machine Size (LxWxH)
Build Size (X/Y/Z)​
​Lateral Resolution
Printing Speed
Weight ​
Layer Thickness
Build Mode DLP
Power Intensity
Power Supply
Scraper Blade Speed
Compatible inks
​User Interface Screen
​Add-on Features