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Our Ceramic 3D printers

We offer two range of ceramic 3D printers, ActiveCera range which is the most accurate and versatile DLP 3D printer for research and manufacturing institutes, and ActiveCera range, the world's first ceramic mass manufacturing solution with the most affordable price.


Partnered with 10Dimensions group, we have jointly developed our AutoCera printers. These printers offer a wide range of the most accurate, versatile, and advanced DLP ceramic 3D printing technology, from top-down to bottom-up methods, and single and multi-material systems.

Our AutoCera system is your solution for new material development and large-scale ceramics 3D printing, and have been widely used by research and academic institutes.

Over 150 academic journal papers have been published so far using our AutoCera 3D printers.

Partnered with Zortrax group, we have designed the world's first ceramics mass 3D printing solution, called ActiveCera. This compact and most affordable LCD ceramic 3D printer offers you speed, accuracy, and high-quality ceramic printing, whether at your laboratory for material development or stacked on shelves of tens or hundreds in your 3D printing farm.

Similar to our Autocera Range, ActiveCera is an open-source system offering your scientists and engineers flexibility to design new materials and/or optimise the print processes.  

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